Well most of
us know that Facebook has won the social media race hands down! But would anyone
dare to oust Facebook? Would they dethrone the third largest country? (If there
was ever one) and take up its position as the ultimate social media! Is
Facebook losing it? And is that paranoiac feeling prompting them to go on an
acquisition spree? Orkut is like a rotting corpse. Google + joined the party
later only to realize that it had lost. They tried to give it a shot but ended
up embarrassing themselves. Although its concept was well applauded, it failed
to make a big enough splash in the ocean of social life.
So is
Twitter going to be the King-Slayer? Can it thrive in this ever changing world
where technologies wither away within a short duration of time?
Definitely! Twitter has definitely emerged as a dark horse and is ready to take
the spotlight from the all mighty Facebook. Are you ready to embrace Twitter?
This great platform was built having a strong foundation which was to give normal people the
power to disseminate information! The truth is when Twitter was established in 2006,
most of us joined this network thinking it would strike a similar chord to the
others. Our amateurish minds couldn’t perceive the potential this platform of
140 characters had stored within itself. Now it’s potent than ever. Ready to do
as much damage as it can appreciate! It can unabashedly take on anybody; it can
criticize blatantly and can make you quite a narcissist! It can trounce on
certain matters say politics or about a certain views in society. It’s highly
opinionated and is a rich treasure trove of knowledge.
It is powerful!
Tweets are regularly the starting point for news stories. Twitter has brought many sports fans closer to their heroes. During the Egyptian uprisings, Twitter was a key channel for protestors to disseminate material, and to also organize gatherings. The ubiquitous hashtag was revived by twitter
and has played a monumental role in segregating specific information! So much
so that people have doltishly used the hashtag symbol for anything and everything.
Feeling Meh!
So most of
us actually have a Twitter account we never used! But let’s go back to this
rudimentary question, what is Twitter? It’s another innovative way of connecting
with people (mostly unknown), companies, fan clubs by sending out short lucid messages
called tweets which are nothing but the thoughts bouncing off your mind. It’s similar
to a status post but less fancy. Your Twitter timeline is inundated with news of
people you follow! If the luck gods favor you, you might strike a conversation
with your favorite sports star, actor or a celebrity. Or they might even retweet you! Throw in a pinch of ingenuity, keep it witty, have a knack for words and
watch your presence amplify!
At this
point some of you might stop and question,” What about Facebook? Even that’ll
give me a lot of information!” I Agree! But Facebook is more adulterated and
polluted! It’s more about the glamour quotient! It’s about the likes you get,
the selfies you take. Whereas Twitter is more of a stripped down version, a
simple, brilliant, humble school boy in contrast to a beautiful, average
blonde! There’s a lot of unnecessary bullshit on Facebook! It is prevalent on
Twitter also but it’s confined to 140 characters only. As one of my friends put
it, “It’s more formal and a lot more calm out here”
A few more reasons I would prefer Twitter to
Facebook is due to the advent of those annoying advertisements. Stop
justifying! It definitely gets on peoples nerves. In a few months time video
ads which will auto run are ready to pollute our timelines! We have a hard
day’s work and voila! We are greeted by ads! Seriously? Yup I know you guys make
a bomb out of these but stay true to your motto, “Connect with friends and the world”.
Here is where Twitter crushes it to a pulp! Absolutely no ads what so ever!
There might be a few sponsored tweets. But it isn’t as distracting as it is Facebook. It has changed its privacy settings infinite number of times
and has also faced the ire of netizens prompting them to commit virtual
suicide. In comparison the changes in settings is pretty insignificant on
Twitter. It is definitely more intellectual and allows us to have a meaningful
conversation with our followers. The tweet battles among various bureaucrats of
different nations or celebrities are to die for. These trivial things make twitter all the more interesting
Twitter is
for the cleverer person lurking inside you, conveying an emotion or a statement
within that constraint requires you to comprehend and form the correct word
flow! Twitter is for that part of you which is hungry for news from genres you
follow! You can follow a lot of twitter demigods who have thousands of
followers because of their witty and clever tweets which usually cover everything under the sun! Unlike Facebook there are no insanely long statuses
which demand a few likes which is then ludicrously equated to respect! Unlike
Facebook, in Twitter you don’t need to have that premeditated murderous look on
your face when you meet those people who unnecessarily tag you! #NoTagsOnTwitter
For those of
you who have grown tired of this media platform which is beginning to stale!
It’s been polluted and has lost its charm. Twitter can never think of such a
foreboding thought. Its core values revolve around the dissemination of
information and that’s what it stands for. Facebook might not see the light at
the end of the tunnel in a few years time and might fade away into oblivion.
Embrace Twitter! And welcome to a new social
experience which should leave you craving for more. Twitter can never perish
completely nor can it be stagnant. It’s always found to be bustling at the
centre of the human social sphere!
Don't forget to follow me :P
It lacks the personal touch that other social networks offer. On twitter you're alienated from the person you're interacting with. I'd prefer referring to twitter as a social "media" than a social "network".
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